What are the Different Intelligences and How Might They Affect Learning Experiences?
Linguistic Intelligence:
Linguistic Intelligence involves sensitivity to spoken and written language and the ability to use language to accomplish certain goals. Lawyers, poets, speakers and writers are examples of people with high linguistic intelligence. Since this intelligence is typically valued in schools, classroom activities resemble learning that takes place in most traditional classrooms. Reading, writing, social studies, and science instruction help develop linguistic intelligence.
Logical-mathematical Intelligence:
This intelligence involves the capacity to analyze problems logically, carry out mathematical operations and investigate issues scientifically. Mathematicians, logicians, and scientists depend on logical-mathematical intelligence. In the University of Hartford Magnet School, students develop this intelligence in traditional math discovery, as well as in activities that challenge them to use logic.
Visual-spatial Intelligence:
This intelligence features the potential to recognize and manipulate the patterns of wide space (those used, for example, by pilots and navigators). It also involves the use of patterns of more confined areas (such as those of importance to sculptors, surgeons, chess players, graphic artists, or architects.) Students engaged in this intelligence may work on traditional art class skills, but also will explore the space they live in through "space awareness" activities.
Musical Intelligence:
People who excel in musical intelligence may or may not seek or receive formal instrumental instruction. Rather, individuals with high musical intelligence experience music with greater clarity and are affected by music more deeply than those with less music intelligence. Students will develop musical life skills. This curriculum places a heavy emphasis on singing and on responding to and creating music.
Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence:
This intelligence enables an individual to be aware of her/his body as it exists in its own personal space, as well as how it functions in general space. Gymnasts, ballet dancers, and participants in various organized sports are examples of people who have high levels of bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. A curriculum rich in bodily-kinesthetic instruction develops a broad range of movement awareness. Athletic skills will be developed but, at the same time, students acquire a sense of movement as it relates to time, weight, space energy, and flow.
Interpersonal Intelligence:
This intelligence features a person's ability to understand the intentions, motivations and goals of other people. It also focuses on one's ability to relate effectively to and work effectively with others. Educators, clinicians, salespeople, religious leaders, politicians and actors all need well-developed interpersonal intelligence.
Intrapersonal Intelligence:
This intelligence involves the ability to understand oneself and to have an effective working model of oneself - including one's own goals, strengths and weaknesses. Intrapersonal intelligence involves the ability to use the knowledge of oneself effectively in regulating one's own life. Activities that engage students in reflection enhance this intelligence.
Naturalist Intelligence:
This intelligence manifests itself when an individual comes in contact with nature. It involves activities such as spending time outdoors, identifying plants and animals, collecting rocks, and creating nature scrapbooks. Making comparisons and classifying objects from nature help develop this intelligence.